Blue-Emu has a 90-day return policy. If you are not satisfed at all with our product, please reach out to our customer service so we can make it right. We will refund your purchase price, minus sales tax and shipping. All product returns must be accompanied with a Return Authorization Number which you’ll receive by contacting customer service. All refunds and returns are subject to review.
You have 90 days from your purchase date return the product.
You can request a refund within 90 days from your purchase date return the product. All refunds are subject to review.
If you purchased Blue-Emu from our website, you can ship the product back to us. If the product received was damaged, we will cover the cost of return shipping.
Returns Can Be Shipped To:
Please make sure the Return Authorization Number appears on the outside of the return package.
If you purchased Blue-Emu products from another retailer, then returns are subject to their return policy.
It can take 3-5 business days for you to receive your refund, depending on your bank.
You can reach us directly at Toll Free (800) 432-9334 for questions or concerns about returns or refunds. Customer Service is available from Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM EST. Or, if you would prefer, you can email any time at
Please provide the following information when you contact us about a return:
501 Fifth St, Bristol, TN 37620
Toll Free (800) 432-9334
Mon - Fri / 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM EST